typescript Featured 5 features I wish TypeScript had If you are coming from another programming language you might feel some features are missing from Typescript
typescript The "readonly" lie of Typescript It turns out Typescript doesn't do any of those and does not keep the promise of type safety...
git Featured New in Git: switch and restore To my surprise, I recently found out about 2 new additions to the list of high-level commands: git restore and git switch
Algorithms Featured Why what you have been taught about DFS is wrong(at least partially) The student runs the two versions of DFS and he sees that the results are the same so he quickly memorizes the BFS algorithm and the two small differences to transform it into DFS and he lives a happy life with the thought that he basically learned 2 algorithms for the price of one.
Java Featured Enums - one of the underrated features of Java I remember when I was first learning programming and stumbled upon enums, my first reaction was "*this is cute, but is it really useful for something?*" and "*do people really use this thing?*".
learning An intriguing C++ quiz that might challenge you more than you think I was recently looking through my university days archive (ahh the days when I found learning surface integrals exciting) and came across this following problem that I created for myself trying to understand how C++ inheritance works. It was not obvious to me back then and I remember that even